We are extremely pleased to announce our partnership with Flexim who as the technological leader in the field of non-invasive ultrasonic flow measurement has successfully been setting the development pace for non-invasive flow measurement for more than 30 years. With Flexim flow meters, we not only demonstrate convincingly that the non-invasive measuring technology works reliably and precisely, Flexim is also continuously extending its range of applications. Every Sales Engineer with every plant visit is prepared to demonstrate the Flexim flowmeter on the application of your choosing. No cutting, no welding and you can have the flowmeter process information that you have always wanted. You can own a Flexim flowmeter without the expense of an invasive installation and doing so even while your process is running. If your process invites scaling inside the pipe, there is no need to remove the Flexim flowmeter during times of scale removal. Please call us with a time when we can demonstrate at your facility at your convenience on your process the least expensive and most practical way to measure flow, “When Measuring Matters”.